ADMINISTRATION BOARD OF EDUCATION Mr. Reford BOND, Jr. Mr. Paul FERGUSON Mr. Homer RATLIFF Dr. W. C. TRAVIS Mr. Homer BOLTON Mr. A. C. STREETER - Ass't. Principal Mr. Milo REMUND - Principal Mr. Bruce J. MYERS - Sup't. of Schools Mr. R. J. PIERCE - Clerk of Board & Bus. Mgr. FACULTY: Miss Hildred TODD - Registrar Mr. C. M. WELCH - Math, Pre-Flight Aeronautics Miss Maurine BALLARD - Math Miss Hattie KILGORE - History Mrs. Kenneth JONES - English Miss Nellie WATERMAN - Speech Mrs. C. M. WELCH - French, Journalism Miss Clara Belle OWEN - Latin, English Miss Francis VAUGHAN - English Mr. Harry McKINNEY - Coach Mr. Verne HARRIS - Athletic Director, Coach Mr. A. W. GRAY - Coach Mr. Waldo PROFITT - Biology Miss Hazel FLEMING - Librarian Miss Winifred LANGSTON - Typing Mr. W. H. HOWARD - Auto Mechanics Mr. Amos SMOTHERMAN - Carpentry Mr. Charles EMMONS - Instrumental Music Miss ILA LUCAS - Home Economics Mrs. Joe JOHNSON - Home Economics Miss Rosalee ROLLINS - Commercial Subjects Mr. Andy DUFFLE - Agriculture Mrs. Roy HOLLIDAY - Science | LIST OF STUDENTS A-Z - Seniors? Please note - these are the names of students pictured individually. I do not know if this is just one grade or all grades. There is not a title page indicating one way or another. There are several more group pictures that have students not listed here - possibly they were not in attendance the day of individual pictures. I will list students in group pictures seperately. BAIRD, Jerry Honyok, Band - Drum Major, Chorus, "B" Football, Tennis Letterman BAKER, Hershel T and I Club BAXTER, David Football Letterman, Track Letterman, "C" Club, FFA BAZAR, Doris Band - 1 Year, Chorus BLAKE, Nancy Ann Pepettes, FHA, Student Council, Junior Play Staff BOMGARDNER, Gene Football Letterman, Track Letterman, Baseball Letterman, "C" Club, Student Council BOND, Reford Honor Society - President, Honyok - Secretary, Auditorium Board, Debate, Student Council, French Club - Secretary Treasurer, Net Wits, Junior Play Staff, Band Color Guard BOX, Dorthea GAA, Papettes - Sophmore, Commercial Club BRADLEY, Beatrice FHA, Chorus BREES, Pat Pepettes, Senior Play Lead, FHA, GAA BRISCOE, JOANNE Pepettes, Senior Play Lead BROCK, Marquis T and I Club BROWER, Marilyn Chorus BROWN, Betty BULLER, Paul BURNEY, Pete President Sophmore Class, Student Council, French Club, Honyok, Band - President Junior, Chorus, All State Band - 2 years, O. C. W. Symphony Orchestra, Senior Play Staff BUSBY, Betty Commercial Club - Secretary Treasurer, Chickette, Chorus - 3 years CABEEN, Peggy GAA, Honor Society, Chickette, NFL, Net Wits, Tennis Letterman, Senior Play Lead CHADWICK, Clara CHAMBERS, Kathleen Chorus - one year, GAA, Pepettes - one year CHAMBLESS, Steve Honor Society, Football Letterman, Basketball Letterman, Best All Round Boy, Secretary of Junior Class CHAUNCEY, Houston Basketball Letterman, Football Letterman, Junior Play Lead, Roosters CLOUD, Jo Anita Auditorium Board - Sophmore, Junior Play Lead, Chorus, Opera Lead - Senior, Chickette - President, Honor Society - 2 years, Contest Soloist, Messiah Lead COHN, Helen Pepettes, GAA COPELAND, Helen Pepettes - Sophmore, FHA, GAA, Chorus COOK, Lawrence Band, Honyok - President, Sophmore Class Treasurer, NFL, "B" Football - Junior, Junior Play Lead, Student Council, Chorus CROWLEY, Bob Band Color Guard, Honyok, T and I - Treasurer DAVIS, Bob DICKERSON, Tommy Football Letterman, Baseball Letterman, "C" Club, T and I Club, All-District Football Team DRYDEN, Lavetta Pepettes, FHA - Treasurer, Chorus - 1 year DUNCAN, Roy Debate, Roosters, French Club DUTTON, Ruetta Chickette - Secretary, Commercial Club, Honor Society, Brooder Staff, Senior Play Staff, Auditorium Board, Chorus EDMISTON, Bob Chick Chat Staff ELLIOTT, Malcolm Rooster - President, Student Council - Vice President EMANUEL, Dawin President Senior Class, Secretary of Student Council, Editor of Brooder, Chick Chat Staff (3 years), Band, All-State Band, Chorus, Operetta Lead (Sophmore), Opera Lead (Senior), Messiah Lead, Contest Soloist, Mixed Quartette (Junior), Net Wits (3 years Treasurer (Senior), Junior Play Lead, Senior Play Lead, NFL, Roosters (3 years), Candidate for Best All-Around Boy EVANS, Pat Band, Chorus FELDER, Jess Football Letterman, T abd I Club, All-District Football FORBIS, Wesley Football Letterman, Auditorium Board, All-District Football, Senior Play Lead, Chorus, Boys' Quartet (Junior), Track Letterman, Senior Class - Secretary, Messiah Lead, Opera Lead (Senior), Operetta Lead (Junior), Contest Soloist FOSTER, Howard Football Letterman, Basketball Manager, T and I Club, "C" Club FULTON, Robert Track, Debate, Camera Club - President GREEN, Jim Football Letterman GREER, LeRoy HANNA, Robert Honyoks, T and I Club HARRIMAN, Don T and I Club HART, Richard HART, J. L. T and I Club HEISTER, Dave Band - Secretary Treasurer - Junior, Band President - Senior, Honyok, Junior Play Lead, Senior Play, Student Council, Chick Chat Staff - Assistant Editor, Opera Lead - Senior, Chorus HENTHORN, Artis HICKMAN, Gloria FHA, Pepette - Junior, Commercial Club - Vice President HIGHTOWER, Rudy T and I Club, Basketball Letterman HINSON, James T and I Club HOOKER, Charles Football Letterman, Operetta Lead - Sophmore, Chorus HOWELL, Edith Band HUBBARD, Annette HUMPHREYS, Bob Editor Prairie Schooner, Editor Chick Chat, Student Council, French Club, Honor Society, NFL, Messiah Solo, Senior Play Lead, Junior Play Staff, Brooder Staff, Chorus, American Legion Speech Award HUTSON, Roberta Pepettes, honor Society, Junior Play Lead, Senior Play Lead, Brooder Staff, Prairie Schooner Staff, Chorus, Messiah Solo, Operetta Lead (Junior) No I's listed. JAGGERS, Betty Jo Yell Leader - Ass't. Soph., FHA - President Jr., Chickettes - Yell Leader, GAA JERMAIN, Helen Pepette, GAA JERVIS, Harvey T and I Club, Baseball Letterman JOHNSON, Joan Chickette, Honor Society, French Club, DAR History Award, Senior Play Lead, Prairie Schooner Staff, Brooder Staff JOHNSON, Don Basketball Letterman - Captain, All-State Football Team, All-District Football Team, Track Team, Junior Play KEES, June Pepettes - Sophmore, Commercial Club, FHA, Chorus KEES, Verl Honor Society KENDRICK, Kirtsy Pepette - President (Sr.), Honor Society - 2 years, DAR Award, Best All-Around Girl, Chorus, Accompanist, Brooder Staff KIMBELL, Jim Student Council - Soph., Tennis Letterman, Baseball Letterman, "B" Football Letterman, School Yell Leader (Sr.), T and I Club KITCHEN, Betty Honor Society, FHA, GAA, Pepettes Secretary, Senior Play Lead, Chorus, Junior Play, Commercial Club LaBOON, Rosamond Pepettes, Commercial Club, FHA, Net Wits, Chorus LEA, Dan T and I Club LILES, Blaine Chorus, Band LINDSAY, Julia Band, FHA, Commercial Club, Net Wits - Secretary, Chick Chat Staff, Senior Class - Vice President, Junior Play Staff LINTON, Gerald FFA LOOPER, Gloria Pepettes, Commercial Club LORD, J. C. FFA, T and I Club LUMLEY, Irwin T and I Club MALABY, Kenneth Chorus, Honor Society MATTHEWS, Ruth Chorus - Soph., FHA, Pepettes, GAA MAYO, Pat Pepettes - Yell Leader (Soph.) Sec. (Jr.) Treasurer (Sr.), Class Secretary - (Soph.), Class Vice Pres. (Jr.), FHA - 2 years, Band - Twirler, Junior Play Lead, Chick Chat Staff - 2 years, Chorus, All-State Band, GAA McCONNELL, Marilyn Pepettes - Yell Leader, Honor Society, FHA - Reporter and Vice. Pres., GAA, Net Wits, Chorus, Brooder Staff, Commercial Club, Senior Play Lead, Junior Play Staff, Tennis Letterman, Chick Chat Staff - 2 years McGUIRE, Naomi Pepettes - Soph., GAA, Commercial Club McCARTHY, Joseph Track Letterman, "B" Football Letterman, T and I Club McKELVY, Bill Mid Term Graduate, Football Letterman McKINNEY, Sally MILLER, Jimmie Band - Sec. and Student Director, Honyoks - Secretary, Brooder Staff, Chorus, Accompanist, Senior Play, All-State Band, Southwestern Music Conference, Candidate for Best All-Round Boy MILLER, Novella Pepette - Yell Leader, GAA, Net Wits, FHA, Chorus MORGAN, Johnny Senior Class Treas., Brooder Staff, Football Letterman, Baseball Letterman, Junior Class Pres., Auditorium Board, Student Council - Vice Pres. (Jr.), Opera Lead Sr., Chorus, Chick Chat Staff, Prairie Schooner Staff MORRISON, Betty Pepettes, Commercial, FHA, Chorus NABORS, Pat GAA NEVILLE, Carolyn Chickette, French Club - Vice Pres. O'NEILL, Pat Band PAGE, Maxine Chorus PARKS, Douglas Honyok, T and I Club, Band Color Guard PARRISH, Barbara FHA, Pepettes - Soph. PATTY, Peggy FHA, Pepettes PAYNE, Patricia French Club, Commercial Club PITCHFORD, Bill Chorus, Honyoks, Camera Club - Treas., Net Wits, Stage Crew, Auditorium Board PITTENGER, Lila May Honor Society, Band, Student Council, NFL, Brooder Staff, French Club, Net Wits, Senior Play Lead, Junior Play, GAA, Tri-State Band POYNTER, Jassaca Junior Play Staff, GAA, Pepettes, Net Wits, Chorus REEVES, La Juene Pepettes - Jr., GAA, Commercial Club RICE, Charlotte Pepettes - Vice Pres. (Jr.), Honor Society, Debate, Prairie Schooner Staff, Commercial Club, Student Council RICHARDSON, Rozella ROGERS, Mary Jo Band - Soph. ROLLINS, Rosalie FHA, Commercial Club, Chorus ROPER, Aubrey Junior Red Cross - Vice Pres., Track Letterman, Baseball Letterman, Football Letterman "B", Chorus SALTER, Mary GAA - Pres. SANDFORD, Charlotte Pepettes, Commercial Club, FHA, Chorus SCHENK, Norma Jean Commercial Club - Pres., National Honor Society - Sec., Auditorium Board SHEARER, Jean GAA, Net Witts, Pepettes SHIPLEY, Mary Evelyn SINGER, Alan Camera Club, Advertising Mgr. Jr. Play, Honyoks - Treas., Brooder Staff, Prairie Schooner SLEE, Melvin SLUSHER, Joyce Chickettes, Senior Play Lead, FHA Pres., Chorus SMITH, Ioma FHA, GAA, Commercial Club SMITH, Virginia Chorus, Band, Commercial Club, All-State Band, Senior Play Staff SPARKS, Irene Chickettes, Student Council, Honor Society, Commercial Club, Basketball Queen Candidate - Sr., Chorus SPENCE, Don Football Letterman SPRADLIN, Harold FFA - Sec. SPRIESTERSBACK, Jennean FHA, Junior Red Cross Committee STAUFFER, Dale Honyoks, Jr. Play Lead, Band, NFL, Chorus, Senior Play STEWART, Marley STIDHAM, Bonnie Sue Honor Society, Net Wits Letterman, Student Council - Pres. - Sec. - Treas. (Jr.), GAA, Charles Palmer Davis Award, Chick Chat Staff, Prairie Schooner - Ass't Ed., Brooder - Ass't. Ed., 2nd in State Extemp., Auditorium Board, Football Queen Candidate - Jr., NFL, Junior Play Lead, Senior Play Lead, Chorus, Chickettes, Candidate for Beat All Around Girl STRICKLER, Bonnie Chickette Yell Leader, School Yell Leader - Ass't., Football Queen Candidate - Soph., Basketball Queen Candidate - Sr., Honor Society, Candidate for Best All Around Girl, Junior Class Treas., Opera Lead - Sr., Operetta Lead - Jr., Student Council, Chick Chat Staff, Brooder Staff, French Club, GAA Treas., Net Wits Letterman, Junior Play Lead, NFL, Auditorium Board, Chorus, Contest Soloist, Quartette - Jr. TAYLOR, Joyce FHA, Camera Club, French Club, Band, Chickettes, Chorus, Chick Chat Staff THOMAS, Delores Pepettes - Soph., Chorus TOWATER, Hoyt Veteran TRAVIS, Ethel Chickettes, Honor Society, Auditorium Board, French Club, Chick Chat Staff, Chorus TUCKER, Geneva Chorus, Accompanist, Football Queen, Senior Play, Student Council, FHA, Auditorium Board, Girls' Trio, Chickette - Treas. Sr. VENABLE, Ada Mae Pepettes - Yell Leader, School Yell Leader - Ass't., FHA, GAA, Chorus, Chick Chat Staff WALKER, J. L. WELCH, Jane Chickettes, Honor Society WESTMORELAND, Joyce Chorus WHEELER, Joy Belle Honor Society, Commercial Club - Sec.- Treas., Pepettes, FHA, Chorus, Brooder Staff, Messiah Solo WHITNEY, Bill Band Color Guard, Junior Play, Senior Play Staff, Honyok - Vice Pres., Chorus WHITNEY, Bob Honyok, Junior Play, Band Color Guard WILLIAMS, Kathryn Pepettes - Soph., FHA, Chorus WILSON, Jim Roosters, T and I Club, Debate, Chorus, Senior Play Lead WRIGHT, Robbie Band, Pepettes - Vice Pres., GAA - Pres., Net Wits, Chick Chat Staff | Juniors
And this group picture without a caption THE BIG WHEEL STUDENT COUNCIL: T and I Club (Trade and Industrial) CAMERA CLUB | Sophomores Next page.......... I am assuming this Continuation of sophmores? THE CHICKETTE CLUB: THE PEPETTE CLUB CHICKASHA COMMERCIAL CLUB |
STRICKLY FORMAL The Junior Class Play CAST Jane..............................................................Mazell OSTEEN Sally.........................................................DeJuan SWEENEY Sally......................................................Le Vonne SWEENEY Agnes.........................................................Jane CORNWELL Andrew Cutler.............................................Walter ROBINSON Nettie Cutler...........................................Geneva CHAMBLESS Mr. Ahern............................................................Larry DAVIS Jim................................................................Glen MOSELEY Rose Tilton...................................................Joanne DOTSON Mrs. Tilton..............................................Diane CUNNINGHAM Josie Tilton........................................................Phyllis HORN Elroy............................................................Willie ROBERTS George.........................................................Bill LAMBRECHT Marcia................................................................Ann AUSTIN Cindy Collins............................................LaJoyce KENDRICK Marilyn........................................................Carolyn HARNED Lt. Bob Cunningham......................................James WATSON STAFF Director.............................................Miss Nellie WATERMAN Student Director.................................................Faye HINKLE Student Director................................................Sara WOODS Business Manager................................................Don SMITH Property Manager................................................Ann LEVINE | Under this group picture is another |