The Coalgate Nonpareil
Coalgate, Atoka County,
Choctaw Nation, Indian Territory

Submitted by: Anita E Emberlin

Please Note: This may only be a partial part of this paper

January 5, 1894
Territorial Melange

Three men had just been sentenced to the Federal court at Paris, Texas to be hanged there on Friday, March 30, 1894. They are MANNING DAVIS, ED GONZALES, and JIM UPKINS (negro). All crimes were committed in the Indian Territory.

News reached Savanna, I. T. that ISREAL MCLISH, a prominent Choctaw, was shot and probably fatally wounded near White Chimney Mountain a few night ago. McLish was on his way home when three unknown men held up the team and attempted to assassinate him, but on account of the horses running away, they were foiled in the attempt.

J. W. KINNEY, a switchman on the Choctaw division of the Katy, was struck on the left arm and chest one night recently by a broken cable while assisting in pulling a car off the track.

At Santa Fe, in the strip, MRS. DORA HILL, wife no. 1, tried to shoot MRS. FANNIE HILL, wife no. 2 and Mrs. Fannie Hill swore out a warrant for Mrs. Dora Hill, and she has been arrested and the end is not yet.

In a difficulty in east Ardmore, recently, WILLIE FIELDS (colored) was stabbed four times with a knife. The cutter made his escape.

All Over the World articles

At Flemingsburg, Kentucky, MRS. LIZZIE SMITH filed suit against MISS JENNIE SOUSELY for $2000. The plaintiff claims Miss Sousely placed several pins with the sharp ends up n her church pew several Sundays ago. Mrs. Smith also claims that she sat on said pins and was damaged to the amount asked for in the suit. Both ladies are highly esteemed.

C. P. HOUSTON, a switchman of the Terminal Association at St. Louis, was discharged recently by the yardmaster. He threw himself before the first switch engine that came along and his head was cut off.

Coming to Texas

Chicago, Illinois, Dec. 28—THOMAS M. PAINTER, a brother of GEORGE H. PAINTER, sentenced to be hanged January 12, 1894, visited the condemned man in the county jail yesterday. The brothers had a long talk. George H. Painter said after it over, ‘Mr. Foster, one of my attorneys, and two others will go to Denison, Texas to see DICK EDWARDS, the man who said to resemble me and who we believe to be the murderer of ALICE MARTIN. Those who will go with Mr. Foster know the Dick Edwards who was in Chicago at the time of the murder well, and if the man is in jail in Texas is the same Edwards they will recognize him at once. I don’t care to say who these people are just now…

Monday night of this week, a loaded shotgun was discharged at the house of JIM MURPHEY, whether accidental or otherwise we are not informed, but the contents escaped killing his wife only by a scratch. MR. MURPHEY lives near No. 3 and himself and family, including a friend or two, were indulging in a New Year’s merrymaking at the time… Deputy U. S. marshal MARK O’DELL arrested all the parties and evidence was secured that warranted taking them to Atoka, but the next morning, after thinking the matter over, the witnesses refused to stand by their former evidence, so the parties were released.

JOHN BOYLE of North Coalgate conducts one of the most extensive oyster and fresh fish depots in the Indian Territory besides keeping a general assortment of confectionery.

Sheriff J. L. WARD last week sold 107 head of fat hogs to HENRY THOMPSON of Kiowa for $4.45 per hundred, gross. The lot averaged 174 lbs. each and were fattened on his ranch out some five miles from town…. Mr.Thompson shipped them to Kansas City and they netted the sheriff some $4 each. Pretty good price for a home sale and shows what can be done with hogs in the Choctaw Nation.


MRS. ROYAL and MRS. BROWN of Lehigh were the guests of Mrs. GEORGE LEE last Wednesday.

J. H. HIBBEN, the ‘Katy’ fuel agent, paid this city a flying visit last week.

Supt. of Motive Power, WILLIAM O’HERRIN came up the first part of the week to inspect NO. 1 of the D. & W. V.

S.K. BULLARD, superintendent of telegraphy for the ‘Katy’ was in our city Wednesday to make the necessary arrangements for putting in a telegraph office.

Mr. and Mrs. HARRY EVANS returned Sunday from Sedalia where Mrs. Evan’s had just buried both father and mother, stricken down with typhoid pneumonia.

DR. JOHN A. COBB and wife accompanied by their children and the wife of Dr. CARSON went to Lehigh Monday, and Mrs. Cobb, accompanied by her two foster children,
SIMEON TURNBULL COBB and LENA TURNBULL COBB, took the train for Sherman, Texas. Mrs. Carson accompanied them to Sherman. These children of Mr. and Mrs. Cobb are 12 year old twins and have been attending school at Sherman since last September and they have returned to their studies. They are remarkably bright for their age and while at home gave evidence of skilled training in their school in music, recitation, declamation and deportment.

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