The Coalgate Nonpareil
Published in Coalgate, Indian Territory
Vol. 1, No. 1
December 1, 1893
Some Items
All Over the World

Please Note: This may only be a partial part of this paper

Submitted by: Anita E Emberlin

GEORGE LYONS, who unaided held up and robbed a Northern Pacific train near Wadena, Minnesota, died in jail at Fergus Falls recently.

CHARLES BRUDNIGO, a prominent farmer of southern Marion County, Ohio, killed his 24 year old son JAMS BRUDNIGO.

At Kansas City, Missouri, MRS. JOHH STOVER killed her 4 year daughter and herself.

At Ardmore, I. T. recently in a scrap between an insurance agent and a brother of SAM BASS, Sam’s brother was slightly disfigured.

JAMES FITZGERALD is in prison in St. Louis, charged with killing his sweetheart, MISS ANNIE NARSINS, in that city recently.

RAY LUCAS, 3 years old, and JAMES WILLIAMS, colored 4 years old, died in a fire in Kansas City, Missouri recently.

Operator Killed
Davisville, California, Nov. 23—E. M. EATON, a night operator, was mysteriously shot and killed Tuesday night…. Yesterday, CHARLES DODGE, a former resident of Davisville, walked into the sheriff’s office and gave himself up, saying he had shot Mr. Eaton…

An Old Man Suicides
San Francisco, California, NO. 28—Strange developments have followed the fact that an old man knows as AUGUSTUS M. SCRIBA committed suicide in poor lodgings here. .. Among his effects was found a letter in which the deceased declared himself as a lineal descendant of Alfred the Great, Edmund Ironside, Charlesmagne, Otho the Great, Malcolm Canmore and St. Margaret. But little was paid to the letter. Further investigation revealed a recorded lineage, elegantly printed and bound, running over 300 years and undoubtedly established the old man’s claims. Other papers prove that he was well known in New York, practicing aw and that he came here from Portland, Oregon where he was in 1892 the vice-president of the NATIONAL GUARNTEE & TRUST CO. He was an examiner of national banks in New York in 1886. He was A letter from JOHN T. AGNEW to ABRAM S. HEWITT, ex-mayor of New York request that SCRIBA be retained in that position… The two trunks and valise found in his room were addressed to MRS. MARY A. GARRIGAN, in N. Y. and he also requested that MRS. ANNA B . PLATT of Washington, D. C. be notified of his death.

JOHN A COBB, M. D., physician and surgeon at Coalgate, office at residence near the store of the Working Men’s Industrial Co-operative Society.

R. T. TUTT’s Time Card on the Lehigh-Coalgate Hack Line

APPLEGATE & C o. for drugs, fine silverware, jewelry, clocks, gold pens, fine imported china ware, silversmithing a speciality, see our ‘hot-soda’ fountain

Be guided by facts and call on PHILLIPS, DAWSON & CO., Lehigh, I. T.

J. E. MURPHEY runs a job wagon with headquarters at J. C. PARKER’s shop and he sells the best of nut coal at $1 per ton. Apply at this office.

MISS SELINA A. HARKINS of North Coalgate has a good stock of standard millinery, adapted to the holiday trade. Ladies will find a choice array of hats.

THE COALGATE WORKMAN’S COOPERATIVE SOCIETY have a general supply store southwest of the depot where you can get a bill of staples as cheap as at any store in gown. Call and examine the stock and get prices. They will treat you right every time.

The RACKET, GEORGE LEE on Broadway has opened a fruit and confectionary store which is supplied with a tempting array of fresh fruit and confectionary, the best in the market, and he cordially invites everyone to come and see him for bargains. His wife conducts a tasty millinery department where the ladies will find the latest styles and fashions in winter hats and wraps.

TINER & PARKER’S Second-hand Store, southwest of the depot, is a good place for bargains, and does a rushing business. If you want to start in housekeeping, see how nicely they can fit you out. They are honorable dealers.

MR. A. SLATER, near Co-operative Store on Broadway, keeps a full supply of undertaker’s goods, … He conducts funerals and furnishes a hearse. He is always on hand.

Come and see if you can’t get your hats a 25% on the dollar cheaper than any other place in Coalgate. Three hundred dollars worth of trimmed to select from.

STEVE MORGAN has purchased from J. C. PARKER his blacksmith shop, and J. W. HAGAN runs the carriage and wagon making departments.
They are both skilled mechanics and execute work promptly on reasonable terms.

Coalgate has daily mail service from Lehigh by hack, which leaves here at 7:00 a.m., returning at 10:45 in the forenoon, making the trip in the afternoon and returning in the evening.

R. T. TUTT is the popular manager and an accommodating gentleman to do business with.

You will find at V. S. COOK’s lumber yard, a general supply of fencing and other lumber, sash, doors, hardware and implements.

J. PRICE, of North Coalgate, conducts a first-class barbershop, and always treats customers to a clean shave or smooth haircut.

PETER FLOTHE / FIOTHE, a thrifty market gardener living two miles south of gown, makes daily visits to town with sweet and Irish potatoes, onions, cabbages, turnips, carrots, etc. which he sells at reasonable rates. He had the largest head of cabbage we had ever seen in many a day and his Irish potatoes were his second crop, sound and fine.

E. J. GARRETT, the Broadway barber, can give you a regulation haircut or smooth shave on short notice…

Miners and mine workers, Oct. 4th, are requested by Greenwood L A. No. 289 K. of L. to stay away from Greenwood, Arkansas as the “Southwestern Coal Mining Co.’s” mine (the only mine working) has been blacklisted. Information furnished when requested under seal of your L. A. By order of Greenwood L. A. No. 289 / 239.

MISS WILLIE SAUNDERS has received the appointment of assistant postmistress at this place and will make an efficient helper.

Sheriff WARD has received instructions and he has issued he necessary orders to deputy U. S. marshals, to close up all saloons selling wine and beer in his district by Saturday of this week. All saloons of Coalgate, 3 or 4 in number, will close promptly in compliance of this order.


November 20, 1893
Mr. and Mrs. E. BERTRAM, a daughter
Mr. and Mrs. R. WRIGHT, a daughter, in Atoka


At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. TEILE / TOILE, MISS ANNA B WRIGHT to MR. R. LUDLOW of Hartshorn Wednesday, Nov. 29, 1893. REV. F. H. WRIGHT officiated.


HARRIET F. MOREY died Nov. 22, 1893 at Coalgate, of Bright’s disease, late of Burlington, Kansas. (age was given, but unreadable on the copy). Deceased was of New England parentage, moved west at an early age and pioneer and lived in Wisconsin Iowa and Kansas. Her life was an active one, buried her husband some 14 years ago at Burlington, Kansas. Funeral services were held at Unity Hall, Rev. CORDELL officiating. Remains were buried temporarily, later they will be taken to Burlington.


MR. SAVAGE is at present in Paris, Texas where he is to stand trail on charges of selling beer to Indians.

SHERIFF J. L. WARD left for Paris, Texas on legal business.

REV. W. S. SIMONSON, pastor of the M. E church, and REV. J. E. MURPHEY will leave Dec. 11 to attend the M. E. conference at Guthrie.

MRS. SWADLEY has sold out his water wagon enterprise to W. H. WARNER, who will conduct the business hereafter.

MIKE MEYERS returned from Denison, Texas.

MRS. BUTCHER, is sick with sciatic rheumatism.

J. D. DUNLAP is at present touring this section with a phonograph. He was formerly employed in the blacksmith shop of H. H. GREMMETT.

J. T. ALEXANDER who was employed in the blacksmith shop of H. H. GREMMETT returned Tuesday to Greenville, Texas. He was compelled to quit work on account of a sore hand.

L. L. THOMPSON and family leave tomorrow for Kemp, Texas where he has a brother. Mr. Thompson has resided here for five months, is a good printer, and has a large list of friends and acquaintances. Kemp secures a good family and Coalgate is the loser.

JIM MCCALL and JIM LEE, U. S. deputy marshals, passed through Coalgate Tuesday enroute to Paris, Texas, with the prisoners picked on the Canadian River.

DR. KELL and a party of friends, including several Indians, leave next week on a hunting expedition to the McKamish Mountians 50 miles distant. They will be gone several days and are slated for bear, deer, turkeys, geese, catamount, and other toothsome quadrupeds.

JOE NUEL/ NAEL / NEAL who has been ill with remitting fever had a relapse and is considered in a critical condition.

M. RYAN of Taylor, Texas has opened a tailoring establishment in the Parker building west of the railroad crossing…

Man Found Murdered
Wednesday afternoon of last week, Nov. 22, a mile west of Briar Creek bridge, near No. 6, the body of an unknown man was found badly mutilated, under a pecan tree on the creek. He had evidently been murdered, then robbed, as his skull had been crushed in with a club and his neck and throat cut with a knife. The man had been killed previous to the rain early this week and the body was removed to Lehigh for interment. From papers found in the creek near where the corpse was found, it was surmised that his named was C. J. NELSON, as the day before Nelson was missed, a man by that name applied to MR. WILLIAMSON, boss of the strip mine, for work and was told by the latter to call another time as he had nothing for him to do that day. Among these papers is a letter from a Kansas niece and a bank book showing $140 deposited at the state bank in Arkansas City. There was a letter from Germany… On his person was only a buckskin string such as are used in the vest as watch guard and it was cut. There were papers showing that he had acquired a claim in the strip. He was light complected, probably of Swedish descent, 5’6’ in height, weighed about 165 pounds, inclined to heavy set, and sandy moustache. We understand that one or two persons have been arrested on suspicion, but on examination, nothing was developed against them and they were discharged. Later Monday of this week, deputy marshals, JIM CALE and JOE SELF, arrested a man named BURCH at the Half-Way House, who is suspected of the crime and he has been taken to Paris, Texas for examination.

MRS. JEMINA HUSSEY of Williamsville, Illinois accompanied by her granddaughter, MISS DAISY BARGER of Chicago, and her niece and her nephew, MISS TEXIE and MR. FRANK THOMPSON of Van Alstyne, Texas, were the guests of Dr. COBB and DR. CARSON last week. In the year 1852 when the gold … was raging, Mrs. Hussey, then a young bride, emigrated with many others to Oregon, and after these many years absence, is visiting her relatives here and in Texas. Mr. Frank Thompson, a son of A. J. THOMPSON, is a young man of much promise.. practicing law.

Notice of Sale
The following is a notice of the sale bearing the signature of J. L. WARD, SHERIFF of Atoka County, Choctaw Nation, Indian Territory.

I, J. L. WARD, sheriff of Atoka County, Choctaw Nation, by virtue of the authority vested by the laws of the Choctaw Nation, and by virtue of a certain order issued by the County Judge of Atoka County, .. on the 22nd day of November, … property owned and rented in the town of Coalgate, Atoka County.. by non-citizens in violation of Choctaw law will sell at public auction at the county court house in Atoka County, on the 1st day of January 1894 the following described property, to wit:

One three-roomed house with lot and stable, south of THOMAS CURRY’S in Coalgate and claimed by Mike MEYERS, a non-citizen.

One one-roomed housed located back of JNO. SAVAGE’S in Coalgate, claimed by VICTOR PERRY, a non-citizen.

Two log houses with stable and garden, located on the hill north of CHARLES PRICE’s and claimed by VICTOR PERRY, a non-citizen.

One four-roomed house with lot located south of Second-hand Store in Coalgate and claimed by PAT HARLEY, a non-citizen.

Also one house owned by WILLIAM BRACKEN. One four-roomed house and lot located north of WILLIAM BRACKEN’s dwelling house and east side of Broadway.

All in the town of Coalgate, Atoka County, Choctaw Nation, Indian Territory.
J. L. WARD, Sheriff of Atoka County

The Methodist Episcopal Church at Coalgate meets at Unity Hall every Sunday at 8 p.m. and at 7 p.m. Special services next Sunday. REV. J. W. CANE will address the Sunday School…. Signed by REV. W. F. SIMONSON.

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